Year Programsort ascending Category Recipient Amount
2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation
General operating support

2020 Invited Grants Arts

Minneapolis Institute of Art
General operating support

2020 Invited Grants Arts

Minnesota Historical Society
General operating support

2020 Invited Grants Arts

Ramsey County Historical Society
General operating support

2020 Invited Grants Environment

The Trustees of Reservations
General operating support

2020 Invited Grants Arts

Worcester Art Museum
General operating support

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Casa Myrna
General operating support for EVA Center

2020 Invited Grants Environment

Chesapeake Bay Foundation
Preservation initiatives and general operating support

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

CLUES: Comunidades Latinas Unidas en Servicio
Latino Elder Day Center

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Coalition Against Trafficking in Women
General operating support

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Culture Reframed
General operating support

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Family Pathways
Rural Aging Services Program

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Girls on the Run - Chicago
General operating support

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

General operating support

2020 Invited Grants Arts

Hill Museum & Manuscript Library
General operating support

2020 Invited Grants Environment

International Dark-Sky Association
General education, outreach, and public policy work

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Keystone Community Services
Food Shelf Program

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Mercy Home for Boys & Girls
General operating support

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

General operating support

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

One World Surgery
Dominican Republic Capital Campaign

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Prostitution Research & Education
General operating support

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Rescue Inc.
2020 Campaign for Rescue

2020 Invited Grants Environment

The Nature Conservancy
Our Water Campaign

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Vermont Foodbank
General operating support

2020 Invited Grants Environment

Wilderness Inquiry
General operating support

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Women's Freedom Center
General operating support

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Breaking Free
General operating support

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Ain Dah Yung
COVID-19 emergency shelter support

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Breaking Free
COVID-19 relief funding to support primary services for victims of sex trafficking

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

CLUES: Comunidades Latinas Unidas en Servicio
COVID-19 emergency relief funds and staff and programmatic expenses

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Domestic Abuse Project
COVID-19 relief funds

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Emma Norton Services
COVID-19 response

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Hope Community
COVID-19 rent relief fund

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Lifetrack Resources
COVID-19 emergency funding

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota
enhanced support for youth experiencing homelessness during the COVID-19 Pandemic

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Neighborhood House
Housing and food support in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

People Serving People Charities
Emergency response to COVID-19

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Project for Pride in Living
Extra Help Fund and emergency relief efforts in response to COVID-19

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Proof Alliance
Replacing lost revenue and meeting increased needs related to the COVID-19 Pandemic

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
Community Sharing Fund for COVID-19 relief

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Saint Stephen's Human Services
Creating safer spaces during the COVID-19 Pandemic for people experiencing homelessness

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

The Family Partnership
Basic needs for at-risk individuals, COVID-19 mitigation strategies, and virtual service delivery

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

The Link
COVID-19 response

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Women's Advocates
Hotel expenses as domestic violence survivors move in response to COVID-19

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

COVID-19 emergency response for youth experiencing homelessness

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Agape Child Development Center
COVID-19 mental health services through the Oasis of Love Program

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation
Patient aid and purchase of personal protective equipment during the COVID-19 Pandemic

2020 Invited Grants Regranting & Nonprofit Technical Assistance

Propel Nonprofits
Scholarship Fund for organizations to continue to receive training during the COVID-19 Pandemic and economic downturn

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Asian Women United of Minnesota
COVID-19 emergency financial assistance

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

FamilyWise Services
Merger expenses

