Year Program Categorysort ascending Recipient Amount
2016 Community Grants Environment

Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center
General operating support

2016 Community Grants Environment

Hamline University Center for Global Environmental Education
The Rivers Institute

2016 Community Grants Environment

Mississippi Park Connection
General operating support

2016 Community Grants Environment

Friends of the Mississippi River
General operating support

2016 Community Grants Environment

Great River Greening
General operating support

2016 Community Grants Environment

Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy
General operating support

2016 Community Grants Environment

Minnesota Land Trust
General operating support

2016 Community Grants Environment

Parks & Trails Council of Minnesota
General operating support

2016 Community Grants Environment

The Conservation Fund
General operating support

2016 Community Grants Environment

The Nature Conservancy
Minnesota Forest Conservation Program

2016 Community Grants Environment

The Trust for Public Land
General operating support

2018 Community Grants Environment

Parks & Trails Council of Minnesota
General operating support

2018 Community Grants Environment

Minnesota Land Trust
General operating support

2018 Community Grants Environment

Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy
General operating support

2018 Community Grants Environment

Great River Greening
General operating support

2018 Community Grants Environment

Friends of the Mississippi River
General operating support

2017 Special Projects Environment

Great River Greening
Pollinator Seed Initiative

2017 Invited Grants Environment

The Trustees of Reservations
General operating support

2017 Invited Grants Environment

Saint Paul Parks Conservancy
Rice Park Revitalization Project

2017 Invited Grants Environment

Wilderness Inquiry
General operating support

2018 Special Projects Environment

The Trust for Public Land
Midway Peace Park Capital Campaign

2017 Special Projects Environment

Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center
The Point Project at Eagle Bluff

2021 Invited Grants Environment

Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center
COVID-19 emergency relief

2017 Special Projects Environment

Minnesota Land Trust
Minnesota Land Trust 2.0 Forever Minnesota Campaign

2021 Invited Grants Environment

The Nature Conservancy
COVID-19 emergency relief

2021 Invited Grants Environment

The Trust for Public Land
COVID-19 emergency relief

2021 Invited Grants Human Services

Women's Freedom Center
General operating support

2021 Community Grants Human Services

Hope Community
General operating support

2021 Invited Grants Human Services

Vermont Foodbank
General operating support

2021 Invited Grants Human Services

Vermont Community Foundation
VT COVID-19 Response Fund

2021 Invited Grants Human Services

Prostitution Research and Education
General operating support

2021 Invited Grants Human Services

Mission of Our Lady of Mercy
General operating support

2021 Invited Grants Human Services

General operating support

2021 Invited Grants Human Services

Marillac St. Vincent Family Services
General operating support

2021 Invited Grants Human Services

Loaves and Fishes
General operating support

2021 Invited Grants Human Services

Keystone Community Services
Food Shelf Program

2021 Invited Grants Human Services

Groundworks Collaborative
General operating support

2021 Invited Grants Human Services

Family Pathways
General operating support

2021 Invited Grants Human Services

DC Central Kitchen
General operating support

2021 Invited Grants Human Services

Culture Reframed
General operating support

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

La Oportunidad
Facilities and rebuilding expenses

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

The Link
COVID-19 response

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Women's Advocates
Hotel expenses as domestic violence survivors move in response to COVID-19

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

COVID-19 emergency response for youth experiencing homelessness

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Agape Child Development Center
COVID-19 mental health services through the Oasis of Love Program

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation
Patient aid and purchase of personal protective equipment during the COVID-19 Pandemic

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Asian Women United of Minnesota
COVID-19 emergency financial assistance

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

FamilyWise Services
Merger expenses

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Division of Indian Work
Addressing food insecurities among low-income American Indian families during the COVID-19 Pandemic

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Casa de Esperanza
Bridge resources to meet the increased need of Latin@ communities during the COVID-19 Pandemic

